Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I just found this video of the boys dancing and thought some people may enjoy it. Other than that, nothing much new is happening. I went duck hunting last weekend with some friends from Bend that come up to north eastern Washington to hunt every year. I only shot one duck, and some people say it had already been shot by the guy next me and was falling out of the sky, but I say it was the only duck that came within shooting range that day, so what the hell. The guys I hunted with are pretty famous for wanting to shoot things, then give the meat away because they don't like it, or don't know how to cook it, or whatever, but I brought home 17 ducks, so that's not bad. Simon even ate it, which is good, because for awhile there I was worried he would turn out to be a vegetarian, and I ain't raisin' no hippies. We're getting ready for our 3500 mile road trip to have dinner, which is pretty exciting. Hope everybody's doing well.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

And one more thing, that awesome Jedi cloak that Simon is wearing, Faith made it. I tried to get her to make me one, but she wouldn't. I tried to tell her she was contractually obligated to do what I tell her, but after a careful review of our wedding vows it seems I was mistaken. I haven't totally given up on the idea of divorcing her and marrying her again to make sure that gets in the vows, but I need to think of a clever way to make her buy into it. Any ideas let me know. The cloak I'm refering to is in the video and pictures below, by the way. For those keeping score at home that's three posts today. I rock.

Hah, it finally loaded. Hope you enjoy. And by the way, Melanie, that's two posts in one day, so I don't want to hear any more of your lip for awhile. If you haven't heard about Mom and Dad's trick or treating experience, I suggest you call them immediately to hear it, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

I had some awesome video of them doing Jedi moves, but it wouldn't load. It rained like a ...(you get the idea) last night, so we didn't go trick or treating, we just stayed home and watched movies. Faith took the boys to the store and they got some candy there. Not much else has been going on, I've been working alot, trying to get all our burning done before it snows on Tuesday. Faith is going to start subbing for preschool, she had to go get finger printed in Spokane last week. Hope everybody's doing well.