So we're moved into the new house. Faith still has some cleaning to do, my suggestion of leave it dirty and let 'em keep the security deposit was ignored. We still need to get the pick up, but I remembered that I never registered it in WA when we moved up (I was planning on selling it until my friend Todd ripped the back bumper off) and the OR tags are expired, and the battery is dead. I think we're going to get it towed to our new house, cause that's cheaper than getting a ticket for an unregistered vehicle. Oh yeah, I can't find the title to register it in WA either. Most of our free time for the last 3 weeks has been spent moving, except that I've been playing golf once or twice a week. I played in a tournament a couple of weeks ago, in which I managed to make a complete fool of myself, but that's OK, it was alot of fun. This 70 year old guy on my team told if I liked golf and stuck with it I'd probably get better, when I told him I'd been playing for 5 or 6 years he said "Sorry" shook his head and walked away. I'm heading to Tucson on Saturday for a class, I'll be staying with the Curtis clan down there, it's going to be alot of fun. When I went to work this morning I discovered that agreeing to be on a NEPA review team over 6 months ago can really come back to bite you, as they can say you HAVE to be in Portland on Monday morning at 10 am the week following me being in Tucson. So I fly into to Spokane from Tucson next Saturday night, drive for 3 hours to get home, wash clothes, go to sleep, wake up and drive for 9 hours to Portland. I'm on a team that reviews environmental assessments of Forest Service project areas that get appealed in court. I don't really know what I'm going to do on the team, except that I'm the Fuels Specialist for the team, they brief us Monday morning, then I guess we spend the rest of the week reading the appealed EA and saying whether or not the appeal has merit. Reading an EA is about as much fun as watching grass grow, only not as rewarding. I'm really looking forward to it. On the plus side, I get to see my friends in Portland, and ride public transportation, which is always entertaining.
We had Simon's parent teacher conference the other day. He did really good this past quarter. He can apparently read really well, his teacher said she wasn't sure what grade level he was reading at, but it was high. Whenever I try to get him to read at home he says he can't and asks me to read to him. Tricky little fellow. That's about it, hope everyone's doing well.
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