Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Nothing new.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Simon In 1 Million Words Or Less
Simon was born at 10:02 p.m. on January 9th, 2004. Due to the time zones, his grandmother in Ohio still believes he was born on January 10th, because it was 1:30 a.m. on January 10th in Ohio when she received the news. To this day, she still calls on January 10th to wish him a happy birthday.
Simon was born in Redmond, Oregon, and then taken home to Sisters, Oregon. He lived in a house on at a Forest Service ranger station, where his mom worked. His dad worked for the Forest Service in Bend, Oregon at the time. His family had a dog named Oscar and two cats, Miko and Cassidy. There was a dog door that led to the back yard, which was right against the forest. The cat Miko loved her family, and was constantly bringing proof of her love through the dog door. One night when Simon was around 3 months old, his parents were awoken by Simon screaming in a way they had never heard him scream before. They rushed into his room to discover that Miko had tried to show her love for Simon by placing a mouse in his crib with him. Unfortunately, the mouse was still alive, very scared, and had very sharp teeth. Simon was bit on his upper lip just below his nose. His very scared mom called his pediatrician in the middle of night, and was told that mice can’t communicate diseases through their bite, and as long as he didn’t need stitches, there was no reason to bring him to the hospital. Simon still has a small scar under his nose, and still claims to remember being bit by the mouse.
Life progressed normally for Simon after that. He took a vacation to Hawaii with his parents in February and March of 2005. While he claims to remember being bit by a mouse when he was 3 months old, he claims no memory of his trip to Hawaii. The Forest Service is a family friendly business, and Simon went to work with his mom for the first year of his life. This made him very comfortable around other people, as he was constantly being held and played with by people that would rather play with a baby than work. Simon’s dad’s sister is a speech pathologist and convinced Simon’s parents to teach him sign language, starting when he was about 8 month old. Communication with Simon became possible much earlier than he could talk, though he stopped using it as his ability to speak progressed. In November of 2005 Simon was blessed with a younger brother, Dylan. Remembering the problems his grandmother had with Simon’s birthday, his parents chose to call his grandmother in the middle of the day, and tell her explicitly what day Dylan was born. Simon was very enamored with his new brother, and tried to help do everything to take care of him. The cats had to go live at new homes after Dylan was born. They were very confused by the new baby, and started marking territory inside the house, something they had never done when Simon was a baby. The cats were replaced by a new dog, Moses. Simon instantly declared Moses his dog, and accepted the responsibility to feed him when he was about two years old. It took him some time to learn that feeding the dog did not mean giving him his unwanted food from meals, but he took to his new responsibilities very easily. He still claims that feeding the dogs is his job, and can get quite upset when somebody else does it.
Simon’s parents decided they did not want him raised by a day care, so Simon’s mom quit her job shortly after Dylan was born. This gave Simon even more exposure to other people, as his mother was constantly taking him to play with other children in the area. He developed a very outgoing personality, and is not scared to talk to whoever he sees, despite his parents’ warnings about strangers. He makes friends effortlessly, and has a new best friend every time he goes to the park.
In 2006 Simon’s dad took a job at a remote guard station in South Eastern Oregon. This meant his dad was gone for two weeks at a time, then home for one or two days, and then gone for two weeks again. Simon is very close to his dad, and this was a very hard time for him. His dad came home for good at the end of the summer, but had to leave the very next day on a wild land fire assignment. Simon was very distraught, and developed a minor case of alopecia. His pediatrician said it was probably due to stress of some form. While he grew all of his hair back, for the next year he would still start to lose his hair when his dad left on fire assignments. This has cleared up in the past two years, as he is able to better understand why his dad has to leave, though he still gets very upset when his dad leaves.
Simon’s dad accepted a new job in Republic, Washington in 2007, and the family moved in August of that year. They lived in a hotel for two months until they found a home to move into. Living in a hotel with two kids and two dogs that were near 100 pounds in size each was very difficult. The dogs went to stay with an old family friend in Curlew until they could find a house to live in. Todd, the family friend, told Simon’s dad one day that he had never seen a dog scale an eight foot tall fence before. Moses was a very good escape artist. Unfortunately he escaped one day and was hit by a car and killed. Simon’s parents explained to Simon about his dog, and he accepted Moses’ death as a natural part of life. Against his parents’ better judgment, they got a new dog a few months later, and named him Arlo. Simon started pre-school in 2007. Due to the fact he was living in a hotel at the time he started pre-school, this apparently classified him as homeless, and he was placed into the ECAP program. Simon did very well in pre-school, making even more friends. He stayed in pre-school for two years because of his age, and was very excited to start kindergarten and spend the whole day at school.
Simon is very close to his extended family, and is constantly trying to convince his parents to drive to Idaho “for just a little while” so he can see his grandparents that live in South Eastern Idaho. He loves playing outside, whether just playing outside at home, or going out to the woods to splash in a creek. He started playing golf with his dad in 2009, and gets very excited whenever they can go play. He is a self styled vegetarian, and his parents are still trying to figure out where he heard the word and how he figured out that it applied to him, though he uses it correctly, and very rarely eats meat. Simon may be the only boy in the world that is told he needs to eat something other than salad and vegetables at dinner time. His favorite color is yellow, and his favorite movies are the Star Wars series. He has a very active imagination, and is constantly playing some sort of make-believe with his brother Dylan. Simon is very close to Dylan, and tends to mope when Dylan is taking a nap and can’t play with him. Simon will talk incessantly given the opportunity, and answer any question posed to him. He is very analytical, and a very good problem solver. Teaching him sign language at a young age helped his communication skills greatly, and he is usually able to use his words to communicate his feelings, but he still gets frustrated at times and stops using words to communicate, and starts using actions which may not be appropriate for the situation. He accepts responsibility for his actions easily, though, and is very quick to calm down and start using words again. He loves jokes, and fancies himself quite the comedian, making up jokes almost daily at home. He loves to laugh, and his laughter is very infectious.
In other news, I went over to my friend Jay's house tonight. Jay is a retired Forest Service guy, he worked in fire supervising a helicopter and a helitack crew, then went into timber after he got sick and couldn't do fire anymore. Jay is a...I don't know, like a hobbyist woodworker that does professional quality work. The upshoot is that he builds guitars and banjos. So I went over to his place tonight and talked about building a banjo. We talked about what kind of wood to use, what kind of metal to use for the tone ring and support for the neck, and everything else I would need to build a banjo. Jay has four banjos that he has built, and one guitar, and another guitar that is almost done, and about 4 or 5 other banjos in various states of completion. I got a list of all the wood I'll need, and some metal I'll need to build other parts. I'm really excited about building a banjo. We'll start the "pot", the round part that the head of the banjo stretches over and produces the sound, as soon as I get the wood. We'll start the pot at Jay's house, then I'll bring it home with very explicit instructions on how to add the different layers of it. I'll take pictures and post them as the project progresses. Instead of a store bought head for the banjo we're going to use a real hide, which I thought produces a better sound after playing Jay's homemade banjos. After the pot is done, we'll make the neck, and I'll buy tuner pegs to put onto the head. Then we'll put a fingerboard on, that's the part with the frets on it. After that's on, we'll do an inlay. Jay has two different kinds of inlays that he knows how to do, one just round rings made out of tire stem valves with pearl inlayed into the center of them, and he also knows how to do an inlay of vines made out of veneer with flowers made out of pearl. We'll see how the cost is when we get to that point, but I'm thinking tire stem valves with pearl will probably be what I do. That's about it, hope everybody's doing well.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Dylan bowling. He didn't fall down. He carries his ball up, places it on the lane very carefully, then lays down behind it and pushes it.
Friday, September 25, 2009
We still can't find the camera. Simon and Dylan had a soccer game last night. I would say that each team scored about the same number of goals, with the highest percentage of goals being scored by Simon and Dylan's team in their own goal. Simon scored the only goal for his team that went in the right goal. Simon is sitting here while I'm writing this and he wants me to say how proud of him I am for scoring a goal. He did great. Dylan did really good also, when he couldn't get the ball from the other team he resorted to grabbing the other team members by the jersey and holding them in place. At one point when everyone from both teams were in a circle kicking at the ball Dylan saved the day by diving into the middle of the circle and wrapping both arms around the ball and covering it with his body. I think football may be in his future.
We finally switch off of our summer schedule at work this weekend, so I'll have weekends off again. Oh yeah, we had tons of fun when Dan and Annie and Aidan and Kodi came up. They got here at about 11:00 at night, so we just put their kids in the room with Simon and Dylan while they were all asleep. Then all the adults stayed up until 3:00 in the morning catching up. At 5:00 a.m we were awoken to the sound of kids shrieking "You're here, you're here!" then the sound of little kids sprinting all over the house yelling. They were pretty excited. We went to an old silver mine that day and dug through the old tailing piles and found a bunch of crystals, red ones, purple ones, and regular old white ones. It was pretty neat, the kids claimed to really enjoy digging for crystals, but all they really did was stand on top of rock piles and throw rocks, which was actually pretty fun too. As me and Tim's old friend Darryl pointed out to me on a camping trip one time "It's a good thing no girls are here, because they wouldn't be in to spending 4 hours throwing rocks in the creek like we just did." Throwing rocks is fun. Dan and Annie and the kids left on Wednesday morning to head to Seattle. We were all really glad they came, it was tons of fun. The kids caught a garter snake today, it looks like it's a baby. It's only gotten loose once, and it wrapped itself a couple of times around Dylan's finger, which made Dylan yell "Let go of me, nake" (he has a problem saying the letter S for some reason). We've been meaning to ask Amy this, but Dylan does the strangest thing. Whenever he asks to do something he adds a sound effect at the end. For example: "Want to go jump on the trampoline, boing, boing, boing?" He does it for a lot of things, and he makes the right noise to describe what he wants to do. Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, I know you're all looking forward to the new season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars that starts next Friday, I know the boys and I are. That's about it, I guess. Hope everyone's doing well.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Lost it again.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Kickin A's and Takin N's
Friday, September 11, 2009
My work computer crashed yesterday. It is less than a month old. I turned it off in the middle of the day to hook up a new monitor I had gotten, but the monitor wouldn't pick up the signal. It's a laptop, so I unhooked it from its dock and opened it up to discover a black screen with a blinking cursor. Crap, I thought, so I turned it off and turned it back on, and the same thing happened. Double crap. Our computer help was contracted out a few years ago, so instead of grabbing a computer tech from the office, I have to call a help center. Don't get confused by the word help in help center, as no such thing was offered in this case. The guy asks my phone number right when he answers, I give it to him, tell him my problem, and he says he can't do anything to help me, so he'll forward it on to someone else. Then he says ""The contact number I have for you is 509-775-7458, is this correct?" That's my old phone number, even though I have told that center my new number at least 5 times, they still can't get it right. I already gave him my new number when he asked for it at the beginning of the call, but I guess expecting him to listen to me is too much to hope for. So I say no, I've changed desks, my new number is 509-775-7457. It's quiet for a minute, then he says, OK, I'll make a note of that change. Yeah, right. So they post your problems on a website where you can check to see how far along they are in attempting to fix it, and at the bottom it has contact information. All it has down is my email address, no phone number. They shut off remote access to our email a couple months ago, so you have to have a computer with your specific email id file on it to access your email. I've just told the idiot that my computer is broken, and the only contact info he puts for me is email? I beginning to think that 216th is a little high. Luckily my old computer still has my id file on it, so I can get into my email, but if I had listened to the help center and deleted it like I was supposed to, I wouldn't have access to it. So, now, I'm kind of stuck. All my work is on my new computer, and it's broken. I get stuck in the office a couple days a week being the duty officer (I organize all the response to new fires, send people to fires off district as needed, hire casual employees for fire assignments as needed) and you have to be in the office when your duty officer. I usually use those couple days to get all my computer work done, and now I can't. I don't even know what I'm going to do if they can't get my computer fixed, I have years of work that I transferred over to that computer, and I'll be pretty screwed if I have to start over from scratch on all of it. Crap.
I'm playing in a Forest Service golf tournament tomorrow. I am spectacularly horrible at golf, so I plan on getting last place, but that's OK, they usually give a prize to last place to try to make them feel even worse, but I'm just stoked to get free stuff, and let's face it, you can't keep me down, so I just laugh with everyone else and give them crap right back.
In other news, Simon's loving kindergarten, and Dylan starts preschool next Wednesday. He's really excited to go. Faith's really excited to have him go too. Nothing much else is going on. I'm going to Portland for some training in the beginning of October for a week, and then I'm going duck hunting for 2 days in Oregon with some friends, then we're all going up to Newport, WA for a week to duck hunt with another friend who runs a guide outfit, that's at the end of October, but I'm super excited to go. Hope everyone's doing well. Later.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sorry, still no pictures
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
On my next day off Ken left early in the morning to head to Canada, Simon and I went and played some golf. We played nine holes and walked, which Simon did not want to do, he wanted to get a cart again, but Faith found me a pushcart at a garage sale that I wanted to try out. I only had to give him two shoulder rides, he walked the rest of it. I can remember when I was a kid Dad always telling me to hurry up, or to keep up, or to quit looking at stuff and walk, and I think Simon must be God's way of showing me how patient Dad was, because holy crap, that boy walks slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter. He stops and looks at everything, and I swear that he is incapable of walking and talking at the same time, and he talks constantly. After golf we went home and grabbed Dylan and went up to another creek so I could try panning for gold again, which I apparently do not know how to do. I found a few flakes, but I looked on the internet for some videos on how to do it and I was doing it all wrong. I guess doing things like how I see it in movies isn't always the best. I gave the boys each a knife to carve on sticks and Simon stabbed himself in the arm once, then Dylan stabbed Simon once. Simon stabbed himself by holding onto a log and trying to stab it and missed. Dylan stabbed Simon cause Simon splashed him with water. Just kidding, they were "fighting leaves", which I heard them say they were going to do, and didn't click right away what that might entail, so I didn't stop it until I looked up and saw them wildly stabbing plant leaves with the knives, and before I could stop them one wild swing got Simon in the arm. Luckily neither of them are strong enough to put a lot of force into it, and the knives were just old leatherman tools I had, which don't have the sharpest points on them, so both wounds were pretty minor. Faith opted to spend some time by herself, so she missed all the fun. That's about it. Hope everybody's doing well.
Friday, August 14, 2009
I'm home.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Not much else is going on. I've been working alot, and Faith's been taking the boys to the river pretty regularly. I talked to the FMO about the job in Idaho City I applied for, and he said that I had a good application and good experience, but that I was on the lower half of the selection list because most of the other applicants were already AFMO's with more experience than me. He said there was even a FMO on the list that wanted to take a pay cut to move there. Oh well. I was told that I would get an interview for the AFMO job here in Republic on Friday, but it never happened, and the FMO won't be back to work until next Thursday, and I become available for fire assignments on Monday and will hopefully leave, so I don't have a lot of hope that any decisions will be made soon on that one. The Idaho City job will make a decision early next week, and that job colsed July 10th. The AFMO job here closed in the middle of May, and I bet it'll be September before they make a job offer. Remember when I said the Forest Service was ranked 216th in employee satisfaction out of like 230 federal agencies. More proof right there. Hope everybody's doing well.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Mines of...
Here's the entrance to the tunnel.
The kids really liked it, and while I was disappointed by the lack of dwarves, gold, or a battle with a Balrog on a narrow bridge over a fiery chasm, I suppose it was pretty cool. The tunnel went back a little ways, maybe 1000 feet or so. Today Simon and I are going to play golf in Colville, and Faith and Dylan are going swimming in Colville. We're having a barbeque tomorrow afternoon with some friends and their kids, then we can watch the fire works from our back deck. Hope everybody's doing well.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Return of the King
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
1. He called me into his bedroom the other night to ask me to sleep in his bed with him. When I asked him why he wanted me to sleep in his bed he told me that earlier in the day he had started amonster farm and it looked like one of them had escaped and he was worried it was mad at him and would come and get him when he fell asleep. I managed to keep a straight face when I told him that's what he gets for keeping monsters captive on a farm, then I turned off his lights and said hopefully I'll see you in the morning. Just kidding, I convinced him that he would be OK without me in his room. That's the first funny thing. Here's the second:
2. He threw a freaking spear at me. Here's what happened, we went out in the woods yesterday and the boys said they wanted spears, so I made one for each of us. I gave Simon his first, then Dylan, then while I was making mine something hit me in the hand, and it hurt like crazy. It was Simon's spear. He said he wasn't aiming at me, he was aiming at something next to my head, so I guess I'm lucky his aim is off a little bit.
Nothing much else is going on, the forest started burning so it looks like I don't have any days off for awhile. We're thinking about getting an early season camping trip in, if the weather cooperates. It's been crazy warm here at night, so we think it wouldn't be too bad for the kids. Hope everybody's doing well.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
On to other news. Simon got pulled out of wrestling while I was gone at training. Faith went to two of his practices (they ask parents not to go very often as the kids will focus more on the parents than the coach, apparently) and at the first one Simon wasn't listening to his coach at all and when Faith talked to the coach he said that's pretty typical for Simon. So Faith talked to Simon and told him if he didn't start listening to his coach that he wouldn't come to wrestling anymore. So at the next practice, he still wasn't really listening, then during a practice match he was losing he did what anybody would do when losing a fight, he figured out a way to win. By poking his 5 year old opponent in the eye really hard. So after a brief consultation with the coach, the decision was made that he wouldn't be wrestling anymore this year. I think we'll try to put him in again next year.
Easter was pretty mellow, we dyed eggs the day before, then went to a Log Flume Heritage Site to do some geocaches in the area. The heritage site was really cool, the two pictures I've taken since my birthday are both of the kids standing in a log flume in the pouring rain. We then went to our friend Shane's house for a BBQ but Faith and the kids were both asleep in the car, and Shane's son was just being put down for a nap, so we decided to bag it. We did a couple more geocaches in Colville and then drove home. The sun shined for three days here last week, so everybody at work thinks it's time for spring burning even though there's still snow once you get out of town a little bit. They've never burned in April before, and there's actually more snow now than there was at this time last year, but why they let pesky facts like that get in their way. As such, they ordered a plane so we can fly the district to look at some of our burn units. Why fly to look at them? Because there's too much snow to drive to them, duh. Yay, tax dollars!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
There's nothing like starting off your birthday by getting punched in the cajones by your wife.
Nevermind, this is his second match, the first one wouldn't load. Look at how much he's smiling.
The bummer thing about this wrestling thing is that his coach both times said "That's OK Simon" then walked off, didn't talk to him about what he could do different or what he needed to work on. Maybe they'll talk to him at practice. I'm leaving tomorrow morning for some more training down in Central Oregon, hopefully the weather's good so I can go play golf with my friend Jim. I'll be there for a week, then home for a week, then I leave for three more days for a Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Refresher down in La Grande, Oregon. I'll get to see some friends down there that I haven't seen since we moved up here, so that won't be too bad. I did have a bunch of fun with the southern Curtis clan down in Tucson, but it was hard getting off the plane in Spokane where it was about 12 degrees and snowing. Not a bad year of mixing training with seeing friends and family I don't get to see very often. Well, hope everybody's doing well, see you later.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Proof that Superheroes like bluegrass
Well, it's all down hill now. I just have to make it through the rest of today and tomorrow, then Faith will be here on Saturday. I'm going to pick her up in Spokane Saturday morning, they fly in Friday night at 1200, so they're getting a hotel room. Her friend wants to stay and shop in Spokane on Saturday, but as this is my last weekend at home until April, Faith elected to have me pick her up. The true test of this whole adventure will be tomorrow when I attempt to take the boys grocery shopping, something I have never attempted. It should be interesting. I've been thinking of ways to keep them calm and not fighting while they're sitting in a shopping cart, and so far I think my best bet is P-cord and duct tape, but that might earn me some weird looks in the local Omak Wal-mart. Although, it is Omak, and it is Wal-mart, so maybe not. We haven't done much exciting since the last post, it snowed a couple inches the other day, so the boys helped me shovel the driveway, then we built an awesome tunnel through one of the snow banks next to the driveway. Today is the kid's dream day, they get to play Wii and watch Star Wars so I can clean the house with few distractions. So far Simon's beaten me and Dylan at bowling, Dylan schooled us at tennis, together we've beaten three levels on Lego Batman, and Faith will have something to do when she gets home on Saturday. Faith is still feeling the bad food they ate on their first day there, so she hasn't been able to eat or drink a whole lot, but she's been having fun all the same. She went parasailing this morning, went on a tour of the city yesterday, and went on a cruise the day before. Here's the proof, by the way.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009

I saw this the other day and it cracked me up. Faith left today for Old Mexico. Things are going alright now, but it's really only been like 3 hours. It should be interesting. I'm not sure what we're going to do, I might take the boys to a gun show at Cabela's in Post Falls on Saturday, but I'm not sure if I want to yet. In other news my continuing fight with multi-tools is still being won by the multi-tool devil. It all started this summer, when I lost a Leatherman tool on a fire. I had gotten the leatherman as an award when I worked for the BLM one summer, and it retails for about $120, and had an engraving on it, and I was pretty bummed that I lost it. So I bought a new leatherman, a different model, that I actually liked better, but I lost that somewhere during our Tucson trip. So I bought a new multi-tool made by CRKT, which is a knife company whose pocket knives are the only kind I've owned for the past several years, they make great knives. Yesterday I was getting out of a pick-up at work and apparently hooked the pocket clip of the multi-tool on the door or something without noticing and I heard a loud PING! and I looked down and saw I had busted off the pocket clip for it. So I cursed. Really loud. In the Forest Service office parking lot. Then I cursed again. Even louder. And kicked a snow bank. And looked up and saw the UPS guy staring at me with big eyes. And he said "Sorry, wish I had package for you." The best part is I had just gotten that multi-tool about 6 days ago. Luckily the company guarantees all its products for as long as the original owner owns it, so I just have to ship it back and they'll fix it or send me a new one for free. I expect my day is about to rapidly descend into madness, I told the kids they could have some Valentine's Day candy after they ate lunch, and they just finished lunch and are eating chocolate something. Speaking of Valentine's Day, I hope everybody has a good one, I will be spending it alone because my wife ditched me to go to Mexico.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
I'm an idiot.
It all started about 5 minutes ago, when Erin and Katie said "Bye Ben, wish you were coming with us!" and got into a truck and started driving to Alabama. My thoughts went something like this: I could be going with them, but two days ago it seemed like the whole thing was going to flop. So when a request for a Burn Boss to go to Las Vegas came in I started to think about pulling myself off the Alabama list and going to Las Vegas. Then yesterday morning my boss came in and said the guy from Alabama wasn't returning his calls, and he wasnt' sure it was going to happen. So I said to pull me from Alabama and I'll take the Vegas assignment. So he did. Then the guy from Alabama called and said everything was a go, people should leave on Friday. No biggie I thought, I'm just waiting for my resource order and I'll be heading out. So I waited, and waited, and waited. Then we called dispatch and said what the heck, and dispatch said "Sorry, we filled the request with somebody else." Crap. Any chance I can get back on the Alabama thing? No, Ben, you said you'd rather go to Vegas so everybody's driving and you won't get back in time for Faith to go to Mexico if you drive. Crap. I'm an idiot. That's what I get for trying to trade up. My boss called me this morning and said I can go in March, but I've got training every other week in March, so that's not happening. Oh well. Nothing else is going on, Dylan's doctor discovered a heart murmur at his check up the other day, so he's going to a pediatric cardiologist in Spokane next Thursday. I like the small town thing, but having to drive for 3 hours to get decent medical care is kind of lame. Hope everybody's doing well.